with G Seijts, Kellie Leitch: Authenticity in Leadership (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2019). Available from Ivey Publishing, products no. 9B19C007 and 8B19C007.
with G Seijts, Griffiths Energy International: The Board’s Dilemma (A) and (B) (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2019). Available from Ivey Publishing, products no. 9B18C031, 9B18C032, and 8B18C031.
with G Seijts, Farro Biomed: Effective Oversight When Leader Character is a Risk (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2019). Available from Ivey Publishing, product no. 9B18C050 and 8B18C050.
with G Seijts, Mitch Landrieu: Using Communication to Lead Change in Racial Conflict (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2018). Available from Ivey Publishing, product no. 9B18C011 and 8B18C011. Nominated to the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), international case writing competition.
Y Boychuk, L Kryzhanaovska, S Opatska, and A Rozhdestvensky, The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine: The Role of Character in Reform (London, ON: Ivey Publishing, 2017), substantive editor. Available from Ivey Publishing, product no. 9B17C042 and 8B17C042.
with M Rowell, “Shared Leadership: The Freedom to Do Bioethics,” (2004) 16(4) HEC Forum 296–315.
“Alice’s Wonderland: Authority of an Attorney for Property to Amend a Beneficiary Designation,” (2002) 22 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 16–42.
Case Comment on Public Guardian and Trustee v. Duggan (Ont. C.A.), (1999) 19 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 10–12.
“When ‘Closest’ Isn’t Close Enough,” Case Comment on Public Guardian and Trustee v. Duggan (Ont. Ct. (Gen. Div.)), (1999) 18 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 219–226.
“How to Read a Photograph,” in TVET English FAL Level 3 Student’s Book (South Africa: Macmillan, 2017).
“Substitute Decisions,” chap. 24 in AH Oosterhoff, Oosterhoff on Wills and Succession, 7th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2011); 6th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2007); 5th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2001); reviewed by W Griesdorf, (2002) 21 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 173–176 at 175.
with NJ Best, Willing and Able: A Practical Guide to Powers of Attorney in Ontario, 2nd ed. (Belleville: Essence Publ, 2004), 168 pages; 1st ed. (Belleville: Essence Publ, 1998), legal editor.
with RM Solomon, “The Changing Health Care Environment” and “Overview of Health Law” in SB Kidd, ed., A Physician’s Legal Manual (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1996) 3–12.
with RM Solomon, A Legal Survival Guide for Social Workers (Toronto: Family Service Ontario, 1996), 48 pages.
with RM Solomon, Healthcare Law and Policy Casebook, 6th ed. (London: University of Western Ontario, 1996), 234 pages; 5th ed. (London: University of Western Ontario, 1995); supportive funding received through a writing grant from the Law Foundation of Ontario.
41 tutorials and articles, Envato Tuts+ (2011–2017),
Book Review of Canadian Health Law and Policy by J Downie and T Caulfield, eds. (1999) 32 Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 428.